What Percentage Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Take?
According to the CDC, 24.8 million Americans seek medical each year for treatment of an unintentional injury. If it is severe enough, some of these people are due remuneration.
Have you recently suffered a personal injury that required medical treatment? Have you missed work, lost money, or experienced a drop in your quality of life because of your injury? You’re entitled to a settlement, but receiving that settlement means litigation, and if you need a good lawyer.
How much does a personal injury lawyer take from your settlement? Read on to find out what a good lawyer charges when they fight for you.
What is Personal Injury Law?
Personal injury law, also known as tort law, is designed to protect you or your property.
A personal injury or tort case arises when you suffer injury or property damage because of someone’s act or failure to act. A successful case compensates the injured or damaged party for the monetary and physical losses.
What Percentage Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Take?
Personal injury lawyers often take 33% of the final settlement amount as payment. Cases that go to trial, however, have other costs. These costs include filing fees, medical record copy charges, and deposition fees.
These fees are refunded at the trial’s conclusion and are not considered part of the 33% contingency fee.
Works on Contingency
Have you ever seen a television commercial where an attorney says they work for “no money down?” Sometimes they’ll say they won’t charge a fee unless you receive a settlement. While this sounds like a deal, it’s a common practice.
Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning they take your case with no initial fee and only receive a payment if your injury claim is successful.
Lawyers work on contingency to ensure injured folks of modest means have equal access to the justice system.
Personal Injury Claims Take Years to Resolve
Personal injury cases take years to resolve. While you may need that money now, you’ll likely face a few years of hardship if you can’t work or pay your medical fees. The payment delays are another reason why lawyers work on contingency.
Complex cases involving businesses or other defendants with deep pockets aren’t easy to win, and that’s why a good personal injury lawyer takes such a large chunk of your settlement. Hiring one is worth it, though. Read this to learn more about hiring an attorney for your injury case.
Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
People who hire personal injury attorneys are more likely to win their claims, and winning your claim is how you receive restitution for your pain and suffering.
What percentage does a personal injury attorney take? It depends on the lawyer, but worth it once you receive your settlement.
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