Keeping Your Man Happy With These 9 Tips

With men’s day coming up, and you are baking or ordering cakes for men’s day, through cake delivery services, perhaps it is time to ponder on your relationship with your man.

If you want to keep a man happy with you, you have to learn to make him feel like a man. Here are some pointers for you if want to make your man feel secured and adored in your relationship:

1. Respect his views and opinions

When you want to make your man feel like he is the man in your relationship, show that you also respect him. Respect ranks very high in a man list.

2. Talk highly of him

To make the man of your life feel desired, you must sometimes talk highly of him. Show him and the world how much you appreciate him. This will make him feel flattered and show him that you are giving him the place of ‘the man’ in your relationship.

3. Keep your own identity

You love spending time with him. You have finally found someone who makes you laugh, excites, and challenges you. You shared a lot in common and had many things to talk about when you first got together. Suddenly you start to change or cancel plans with others in your life to have more time with him. Stop. Don’t do it. You need to continue to do all the exciting things you did that drew him to you in the first place.

If your life revolves around him, he will feel stifled and will soon start finding ways to get his space back. You will also become boring because your whole world revolves around him. Be yourself and continue to make yourself the vibrant individual he fell for. This is a pivotal point in understanding men.

4. Ask for his help

Men want confident and self-assured women to be in relationships with. But at the same time, they also want to feel needed. When you show a man that you need his help, you appeal to this innate masculine nature and make him feel like the man in the relationship.

5. Use criticism sparingly

When you want to make your man feel like a man in a relationship, you must ensure that you are not too critical of him. Men hate being always criticized, as criticism makes them feel small and inconsequential. Instead of focusing on his weaknesses, you need to focus on his strengths and make him feel happy and satisfied.

6. Look presentable

Men are visual creatures, and looks are essential when attracted to a woman. Of course, men like all different types of women, some small and thin, some with more curves. But if a woman, regardless of her size, takes the time to look presentable, it can really help sustain your relationship. So make better choices while ordering food and desserts from bakingo’s cake delivery in bangalore services and ensure whatever you are consuming is healthy. She cares enough to look good for him, and he takes notice.

7. Master the art of ego-boosting

In the relationship, learn to boost your man’s ego the right way. Give him masculine compliments. Focus on telling him how big or strong he is. Use words related to power when you compliment him, and your man will feel like the tiger in the relationship. Treat him with sweet mens day cakes and birthday desserts whenever you get the opportunity.

8. Make him feel like the decision-maker

When you allow your man to feel like he has control of the relationship in his hands, you give him the feeling of being in charge of the relationship. Allow your man to feel like he is the primary decision-maker in your relationship, and he will feel like a man.

9. Let him do his guy things

Don’t always make your man do girly stuff with you. Let him do his guy number with his pals, and he will feel like a man in the relationship. Many women fail to give him the most basic of needs. Men must go off and be away from the women in their lives for a while. He may just need time with his friends, or he may need time alone to process what happened during the day.

Let him have his time uninterrupted. It doesn’t mean he’s cheating on you or no longer interested. When he returns from his small hiatus, he will be refreshed and ready to find out what’s been happening in your world. He may even want to take you on his next adventure.